I was in Zagreb several times on business trip. Every evening and weekend I was free to make photos of this very nice city. My impressions are that the Zagreb is fashionable, clean, beautiful, cultured and courageous city. Excellently furnished traffic. No big crowds. People are hospitable with special respect of foreigners. Lots of beautiful buildings, monuments and cultural institutions transfer the story of an old European nation.

Photos from central city square
My advice is, if you have the opportunity to visit Zagreb (city on the border of the Balkans), do it and tast Zagreb's charms!

Photos from Kaptol and Zagreb cathedral

hotos from Upper City in Zagreb - Banski dvori, Parlament

Photos from Zagrebs cultural institutions

Photos of tram and Zagreb streets

Photos from Zagreb Hotels

Zagreb by night

Photos from Zagreb monuments

Photos from Zagreb Parks, Zrinjevac, Mirogoj and Botanical Garden

More atractive photos

Photos from Zagrebs Museums (Archaeology museum)
The most important places in Zagreb which you must see:
1. Center of Zagreb, Ban Josip Jelacic square,
2. National Theater and monument Zdenac zivota (hr), bunar zivota(rs) or The well of life by famous Croatina sculptor Ivan Mestrovic in front of Croatian National Theater. This is my favorite building in Zagreb.
3. St. George kills the Dragon near the Croatian National Theater, my favorite monument in Zagreb
4. Tkalciceva street, pedestrian zone and boemh quart in Zagreb, also you must visit Vlaska, Raiceva and Draskoviceva Street
5. The Zagreb Cathedral on Captol and Holy Mary's column with angels and fountain in front of the cathedral
6. 3D Cinema Cinamaplex in Zagreb
7. Uspinjaca and Lotrscak Tower in Upper city
8. St. Mark's Square and St. Mark's Church
9. Jezuitski Square and Stone Gate and monument of St. George on horse in front of Stone gate
10. Lake Jarun
11. Lake Bundek
12. Park, Stadion and Zoo Maksimir
13. Botanic garden
14. Garden shopping mall
15. The Mestrovic Pavillion, also Atelje of Ivan Mestrovic in Zagreb Upper city
16. Museums: Archaeological, Ethnographic and museum of Zagreb city is enugh
17. King Tomislav monument on main rail way station
18. Park Zrinjevac
19. Dolac market
20. Mirogoj cemetery
For all of this you need 4 days if you are in good condition! Discussion what to see in Zagreb with more details you can read on Travel forum.
Until then, I hope that you will enjoy in my work!