Atraktivni izgled Viminacijuma


Povratak na početak reportaže: Istočna Srbija

Atraktivni izgled Viminacijuma

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Photos from Eastern Serbia: Atraktivni izgled Viminacijuma. Viminacium was a major city of the Roman province of Moesia (today's Serbia), and the capital of Moesia Superior. Viminacium was the base camp of Legio VII Claudia, and hosted for some time the IIII Flavia Felix. It was destroyed in 440 by the Huns, but rebuilt by Justinian I. During Maurice’s Balkan campaigns, Viminacium saw destruction by the Avars in 584 and a crushing defeat of Avar forces on the northern Danube bank in 599, destroying Avar reputation for invincibility.