About Us

If you love to travel, you are at the right place!

And now let me tell you something about the project TT Group.

TT Group is a travel portal dedicated to the lovers of travel, photography and photo-report.

On this site you can find a lot of travel writing, rewriting, photos and interesting texts from various destinations in the region. The second category of contents are service information, such as weather forecast, exchange rates, maps, online dictionaries and similar web applications, for better planning and organizing travel to some destination, and can also assist you in everyday activities.

The mission of the site

TT Group exist on the Internet since 2004 and this fact speaks about our credibility.

Based on past experience, our mission can be described in the next few points:

– Presentation of tourist attractions and destinations, both in Serbia and abroad.
– Fostering tourist photos,
– Development and enrichment of the tourist Internet media with photography and photo reportage
– The development of direct communication between passengers (tourists) and owners of tourist facilities (hotels, hostels, ethno villages etc.)
– Education and information on trends and developments in tourism,
– Promotion and implementation of pragmatic internet technology and knowledge in the field of tourism marketing
– Raising awareness of sustainable tourism

The vision of this site

It is natural that every organization has its own growth plan towards the final vision.

Our desire is to become an influential travel portal in the region, or in other words, to influence the following activities:

– Strengthening the desire to travel,
– Introduction and consideration of tourist capacities of Serbia and the region
– Development of web-oriented tourist services,
– To create “ the modern traveler”

Milan Todorović,
Owner of TT Group travel portal