World destinations

9 Reasons To Go to Costa Rica with a Girlfriend

9 Reasons To Go to Costa Rica with a Girlfriend
Photo by Mohsen Ben Cheikh on Unsplash

Perhaps Costa Rica is not the largest country on Earth but is considered one of the largest resorts with a natural environment. If you are seriously going to visit this amazing country, then be sure that you will not get bored there. There is everything that is necessary for an inveterate traveller – volcanoes, coffee, chocolate, beaches, hot springs and other reasons that can inspire you on a trip to Costa Rica.

1.         Latin American Switzerland

span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Costa Rica is called Latin American Switzerland for pacifying landscapes with grazing cows on meadows. The highlight of the landscape is tropical trees. Just imagine Switzerland with palm trees! Also, Costa Rica is considered the most successful country in Central America with a fairly high standard of living and the most peaceful (in 1949, Costa Rica abandoned the army in favour of education and ecology).

2.         Akuna Matata

Costa Rica is almost the happiest country in the world. The magic phrase “Pura Vida” that sounds here from everywhere literally translates as “simple life”. This can mean almost anything: “Hello”, “Thank you”, “All the best”. Pura Vida is a call to perceive life as a gift, to rejoice at every moment. Let’s notice that it is not difficult to do at such a fine climate and nature.

3.         Wildlife

Costa Rica is one of the best places on the planet to watch animals. A quarter of the country’s area is given to national parks and is protected by the state. Costa Rica occupies only 0.03% of the surface of the globe, but here 5% of the total biological diversity is concentrated (about half a million species). Emphasis on ecotourism is confirmed by the symbols of Costa Rica – the purple orchid and the Guanacaste tree.

4.         Chocolate

Export of cocoa beans is not so popular here but, in this case, quality is much more important.

Chocolate tours are held in the Tirimbina Biological Reserve. It is extremely exciting: through the suspension bridge into the depths of the jungle, tourists are led to the area with cocoa trees and then they learn how cocoa beans are ground with the help of stone mills and prepared according to Indian recipes.

5.         Hot springs Tabacon

Near the Arenal volcano, there are the most famous hot springs in the country. Tabacon is the most picturesque one. This hot spring consists of 97% of rainwater and 3% of magma. And it is a special pleasure to swim there in the middle of the jungle.

6.         Agrotourism

Simplicity is the keyword for describing a lifestyle in Costa Rica. Here coffee is brewed in an enamelled teapot and food is cooked in a wood-burning oven. Therefore, it is particularly interesting to feel the rural flavour here. The farms show how papayas, noni, yuccas, and bananas are grown, how to squeeze out the juice of cane sugar on a stone press, how to fry tortillas on live fire, and so on.

7.         Volcanoes

There are 112 volcanoes in the country, most of which are in national parks. For example, you can admire the Arenal volcano from afar: it is among the ten most active volcanoes in the world and the area around is fenced. And from the observation platform of the Poas volcano, you can see an acid lake inside.

8.         Beaches

The Pacific coast of Costa Rica is considered to be more civilized: there are expensive hotels and surfers go there for a good wave. The Caribbean is a wild shore, picturesque nature, white and black sand, and Afro-Caribbean culture with original cuisine.

9.         Сuisine

The magic of the taste of local products lies in volcanic soils. Thanks to them, pumpkin, beans, zucchini, broccoli, and carrots are very sweet. What can be said about mango, guava, strawberries, and blackberries? They are just amazing!

This is text is provided by the Russian dating site.

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